M&A Actuary, Remote with flexibility, Star Actuarial Futures 11580
Job Description
Are you a business development-focused, deals-oriented qualified (or part-qualified) GI actuary, looking for your next career challenge?
Then this is a fantastic opportunity to join a leading underwriter where you will get involved in M& A deals while continually enhancing processes.
In this key role, you will also contribute to and set the mechanisms to execute the strategy for actuarial support on pricing, reserving and data science activities to support profitable growth.
In addition, you will conduct, matrix manage, or agency manage the due diligence analysis of opportunities for relevant transactions involving Managing General Agents (MGAs) or insurers to give a view or the value and risks of targets to support the increase in value of the Group.
Good knowledge of technical pricing, change management and reserving is required.
Experience of data management principles would be highly desirable.
An excellent career opportunity.
Please contact us to discuss this vacancy or for an informal discussion regarding your career goals. We are very happy to perform bespoke research on your behalf.
Satpal Johri | Associate Director
M: +44 (0)7808 507600
E: satpal.johri@staractuarial.com
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