Postdoctoral Fellow in Political Science at University of Oslo

posted 9 months ago

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Job Description

The Department of Political Science is recruiting a Postdoctoral Fellow (SKO 1352) with specialisation in public policy and administration or comparative politics. The successful applicant will be part of the research project “Systemic Effects of Crises on Policy-Making in Modern Democracies” (CRISPOL), which is funded by the European Research Council. Depending on how the candidate’s competence fits in with the Department’s teaching portfolio, the person appointed may be given either a three-year appointment with no teaching requirement or a four-year appointment with a 25 percent teaching requirement.

The primary aim of CRISPOL is to investigate how crises create systemic trade-offs that affect policy adaptation across various sectors. CRISPOL seeks to understand the complex dynamics of policy-making in times of crisis and beyond by exploring the following key questions:

  • How do crisis events affect the government’s policy-making activities in different policy areas? Are there shifts in policy-making activities from one policy area to the other?
  • Which political systems exhibit stronger capabilities to manage crises without neglecting policy issues in other areas, and what factors contribute to this resilience?

The ultimate goal of CRISPOL is to provide knowledge on how the political-administrative apparatus must be organized to be able to handle multiple ongoing crises while maintaining the state’s key governing function.

The project is co-organized between the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and the University of Oslo (UiO). The LMU Munich team is led by Christoph Knill, who is also the Principal Investigator of the overall project. The University of Oslo team will be headed by Yves Steinebach and will form part of the department’s research group on Policy, Bureaucracy, and Organisation (PBO). 

The mainpurpose of the fellowshipis for researchers to qualify for work inhigher academic positions. To this end, the main focus of this position is to conduct research, including publication and dissemination. In addition, the fellow is expected to actively contribute to the broader research agenda and environment of the CRISPOL project. If the position entails teaching obligations, the appointed postdoctoral fellow is expected to acquire basic pedagogical competency during the fellowship period.

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