Chair in Modern History at Scuola Normale Superiore

March 19, 2024

Apply for this job

Job Description

The Scuola Normale Superiore invites scholars in the field of Modern History (1450 – 1850) to submit expressions of interest in view of the possible activation of a permanent position at the level of full professor (“professore/professoressa di ruolo di I fascia, professore/professoressa ordinario/a”) in the Faculty of Humanities, based in Pisa. Following this preliminary phase, the School will decide whether to activate the position and how to proceed with recruitment.

The Scuola Normale Superiore invites expressions of interests from very highly qualified scholars whose scientific achievements are widely recognised internationally, and who can demonstrate a significant production of high-level studies in the field, a proven experience in promoting and directing research activities, and a specific interest in teaching highly motivated and selected undergraduate and graduate students.

The Scuola Normale Superiore offers equal opportunities for access to its positions, irrespective of ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, nationality, disability status, genetic characteristics, personal or political beliefs, language, sexual orientation, gender identity or affiliation.

Teaching associated with this position, if activated, may be delivered in Italian or in English. Knowledge of Italian is not a prerequisite, but it is expected that the person appointed will develop, over the course of the first two years at the Scuola, a level of knowledge adequate to allow an active participation in the life of the School.

Currently, retirement is mandatory on November 1st following the professor’s 70th birthday.

Submission and evaluation of expressions of interest

Expressions of interest should be sent exclusively by email to taking care to write EOI_STORIA_MODERNA2024 in the subject line. 

The deadline for submission is April 30, 2024

Expressions of interest (in Italian or in English) should include a curriculum vitae, a description of current research interests and any other relevant information. No referees should be listed at this stage.

Expressions of interest will be treated in complete confidence. The School, however, reserves the right to submit some of them to external scholars for confidential evaluation. These evaluations will be shared exclusively within the School’s teaching staff.

The Scuola Normale Superiore may invite some of the scholars who have expressed their interest to hold a seminar, preferably in person. It is expected that seminars will be held in the period 2 – 6 September 2024. Invitations will be communicated by email directly to invitees at least two weeks before the date planned for the seminar, and at the same time they may be asked to indicate the names of three referees willing to send a letter of reference to the Scuola Normale Superiore by the date of the seminar.

For further information, please contact

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